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Industry 5.0

The robotic and the capacity of this technology come to replace to the humans in several industrial processes have made that many people look with mistrust the industry robotization. It’s because in some cases the robotization of certain industrial processes has led to the reduction of the worker´s number required in certain efforts.

The current data indicate that, although some direct human actions on production will disappear as has already happened, the human action will be necessary in other operations related with the work of these robots. Therefore, the industry robotization will mean a restructuring process of jobs, opening a wide field of specializations and new jobs, which will require a professional qualification.

What’s exactly mean the Industry 5.0?

Like we have explained before, in other previous entries in our blog, the future industry is closely linked to the development of robotics and technologies that allow the instant communication between machines (5G Technologies), the internet connection (internet of things) and the own robots learning (learning machine e Intelligent artificial). One step ahead would be the Industry 5.0, where it`s pretending to incorporate the human skills with the collaborative work of robots.

With the Industry 5.0 we can integrate this humans aspects like the creativity or artistic sensitivity with the precision and work capacity of the so-called corrobots, robot collaborative or cobots.

The integrated and collaborative work between the humans and the cobots, increase the possibilities and production customization options with important applications in industries different. Furthermore, this is an important improvement for the security and labor conditions of the own workers. Several industries have already presented their income statement of human work teams and cobots, indicating a significant increase in productivity.

Far from to worsening exacerbates the labors conditions of workers, or destroying jobs, probably the robotic will be a more hopeful point for the future of our human specie, where we will develop more jobs according with the humans skills, avoided tedious or repetitive processes, and being attended by robots.

But we cannot think in the cobots with the concept “tool”. Due to its interconnectivity, access information (Internet) and its learning ability; it`s really being something much more valuable.

It’s the moment of the integration into the productive systems of human skills and the capabilities of robots, the time comes for industry 5.0.

The robotic and the capacity of this technology come to replace to the humans in several industrial processes have made that many people look with mistrust the industry robotization. It’s because in some cases the robotization of certain industrial processes has led to the reduction of the worker´s number required in certain efforts.

The current data indicate that, although some direct human actions on production will disappear as has already happened, the human action will be necessary in other operations related with the work of these robots. Therefore, the industry robotization will mean a restructuring process of jobs, opening a wide field of specializations and new jobs, which will require a professional qualification.

What’s exactly mean the Industry 5.0?

Like we have explained before, in other previous entries in our blog, the future industry is closely linked to the development of robotics and technologies that allow the instant communication between machines (5G Technologies), the internet connection (internet of things) and the own robots learning (learning machine e Intelligent artificial). One step ahead would be the Industry 5.0, where it`s pretending to incorporate the human skills with the collaborative work of robots.

With the Industry 5.0 we can integrate this humans aspects like the creativity or artistic sensitivity with the precision and work capacity of the so-called corrobots, robot collaborative or cobots.

The integrated and collaborative work between the humans and the cobots, increase the possibilities and production customization options with important applications in industries different. Furthermore, this is an important improvement for the security and labor conditions of the own workers. Several industries have already presented their income statement of human work teams and cobots, indicating a significant increase in productivity.

Far from to worsening exacerbates the labors conditions of workers, or destroying jobs, probably the robotic will be a more hopeful point for the future of our human specie, where we will develop more jobs according with the humans skills, avoided tedious or repetitive processes, and being attended by robots.

But we cannot think in the cobots with the concept “tool”. Due to its interconnectivity, access information (Internet) and its learning ability; it`s really being something much more valuable.

It’s the moment of the integration into the productive systems of human skills and the capabilities of robots, the time comes for industry 5.0.

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