Upper sets

Self-aligning upper V-shaped frame

Manufactured according to DIN 22107 and ISO 1537 standard measurements, in black carbon steel sheet laser cut, folded and welded. Upon request, it can be manufactured with other measurements or some surface treatment such as zinc plating, painting, etc.

More information
400 63.5 10° 20° 700 640 260 107 17.4
89 120 18.9
500 63.5 10° 20° 800 740 325 107 20.6
89 120 21.8
650 63.5 10° 20° 950 890 390 112 27.1
89 125 28.3
800 89 10° 20° 1150 1090 475 120 31.1
108 135 32.1
1000 89 10° 15° 20° 1350 1290 610 120 32.1
108 135 35
133 150 36.3
1200 108 10° 15° 20° 1600 1540 710 140 36.3
133 155 52.5
159 185 55.5
1400 108 10° 15° 20° 1800 1740 810 140 55.5
133 155 56
159 185 60
1600 133 10° 15° 20° 2050 1990 910 155 60
159 185 62.3
193.7 215 66.4
1800 133 10° 15° 20° 2250 2190 1010 155 68.3
159 185 71.5
193.7 215 76.1
2000 133 10° 15° 20° 2500 2440 1110 160 81.6
159 190 82
193.7 220 82
Turning system Notes
Conical roller bearings and grease fitting Dimensions in mm

Weight without rollers. Indicative max. and min. values for possible combinations

between angles and rollers.

The anchorage is the same as the Upper V-shaped frame.


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